Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Chinese Herbal Remedy For Cough & Cold

Advanced Stage of Flu
Clearing away heat and dispersing the lung to arrest cough. Relieving cough with viscous white or yellow phlegm and dyspnea.
Major IngredientIndication
Balbus Fritillariae Cirrhosae, Radix PlatycodonisReduces phlegm and coughs
Mori Cortex Radicis,
Fructus Perillae
Reduces coughs, improves dyspnea and nourishes the heart and lungs
PoriaStrengthens the spleen, clears away humidity and phlegm
Cortex moutanRemoves heat and purges the liver

AdultsAdult or Aged over 10 : One sachet (2.5g) three to four times a day. Take with warm water or dissolve in warm water and drink.
ChildrenDosage reduces according to age. Three to four times a day.
*5-10 years : 1/2 sachet each time
3-5 years : 1/3 sachet each time
1-3 years : 1/4 sachet each time
Packing: 1 Box contain 6 sachets @2.5g

Initial Stage of Flu
Use for the relief of general discomforts due to common colds and flu, use during the initial stage of cold. Headache, creeping chills, muscle pain and general soreness and in upper back, stuffy nose and runny nose and body feverishness without sweating.

Major IngredientIndication
Radix puerariae
Improves the blood circulation, induces perspiration and lessens the body pain
Herba ephedrae
Promotes perspiration, improves dyspnea and relieves cough
Ramulus cinnamomi
Regulates blood circulation, removes heat and induces sedation
Radix paeoniae alba
Promotes the functions of the digestive tract
Radix glycyrrhizae preparata
Detoxifies the liver
Fructus jujubae
Nourishes the heart and lungs
Rhizoma zingiberis recens
Promotes blood circulation
AdultsAdult or Aged over 10 : One sachet (5g) twice a day.
Take with warm water or dissolve in warm water and drink.
ChildrenDosage reduces according to age. Twice a day.
*5-10 years : 1/2 sachet each time.
3-5 years : 1/3 sachet each time.
1-3 years : 1/4 sachet each time.
1 Box contain 4 Sachets @5g

More Serious Stage of Flu
To apply for the initial stage of the epidemic febrile disease manifested by fever, slight aversion of wind and cold, headache, thirst, cough and sore throat.

Major IngredientIndication
Flos Lonicerae, Fructus Forsythiae,
Herba Menthae, Fructus Arctii
Removes heat and detoxifies
Fructus Arctii, Herba Schizonepetae,
Herba Menthae, Herba Lophatheri
Promotes perspiration and urination, removes heat.
Radix PlatycodonisReduces phlegm
AdultsAdult or Aged over 10 : One sachet (3.75g) twice a day. Take with warm water or dissolve in warm water and drink.
ChildrenDosage reduces according to age. Twice a day.
*5-10 years :1/2 sachet each time.
3-5 years : 1/3 sachet each time.
1-3 years : 1/4 sachet each time.
Or taken according to doctor's advice.
1 Box contain 4 Sachets @ 3.75g

Relieving Discomforts During the Later Stage of Flu
To relieve the general discomforts during the common cold and flu. To relieve condition manifested as alternating attacks of chills and fever, distending pain and fullness over the chest, nausea, bitterness in the mouth, loss of appetite and general weakness.

Major IngredientIndication
Radix BupleuriDetoxifies, eliminates inflammation, removes heat and relieves fullness over the chest
Radix ScutellariaeRemoves heat and humidity, nourishes the spleen and liver
Rhizoma Pinelliae PreparatumImproves the overall condition of liver and enhances appetite
Radix Ginseng, Fructus Jujubae, Radix Glycyrrhizae PreparataImproves digestion and relieves fullness over the chest

AdultsAdult or Aged over 10 : One sachet (4.5g) twice a day.
Take orally with warm water or dissolve in warm water and drink.
ChildrenDosage reduces according to age. Twice a day.
*5-10 years : 1/2 sachet each time.
3-5 years : 1/3 sachet each time.
1-3 years : 1/4 sachet each time.
Or taken according to doctor's advice.
1 Box contain 4 Sachets @ 4.5g

Get it here 

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