Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Natural Breast Care Range

 Mustika Ratu Ayudara Caplet Breast Care Supplement

For centuries the princesses of the Surakarta royal family have used the traditional herbs of “Jamu” for beauty treatment and health. Caring for their breast is a part of beauty treatment ritual. As a result, princesses have lovely bodies as well as beautiful and firm breast.
In the old days, the princesses used to take care of their breasts using traditional herbs, they grind the herbs into a soft particle, then mixed with water. The liquid is use as a drink for inner beauty care. With the solid remains being used for breast mask.
Now the secret of the breast treatment has been introduced in a modern and popular method of beauty care by Mrs. BRA. Mooryati Soedibyo P. Hadiningrat in the form of Mustika Ratu Ayudara Breast Care Range, consisting of caplets to taken orally, breast massage cream and breast mask.

Mustika Ratu Ayudara caplet  (1 box 30 caplets @750mg) 

Contain Pueraria mirifica for promoting blood circulation around the breast, it also act as anti-oxidants to the skin, to improve fat deposits in the breast (especially fat deposition on the upper breast) make it more firm. Content Turmeric (Rhizoma domesticae Curcumae) as an anti-oxidant for better skin texture and for better blood circulation around the breast. 


Foeniculi Fructus 20%, Curcumae Domesticae Rhizoma 26%, Psophocarpi Semen 15%, Sindorae Fructus 15%, Pueraria Mirifica 20%, Rhei Radix 4% (all ingredients in the form of extract)

Drink regularly 3 times a day @ 1 caplet

Manufactured by:

PT. Mustika Ratu, Indonesia

Price : US$ 7.99 

(incl. worldwide shipping with regular air mail)

Mustika Ratu Ayudara Breast Massage Cream

Mustika Ratu Ayudara Massage Cream (1 tube 35g)

Contain extract Complex of Dimethylsilanol with Licorice extract and hop extract and Kigelia extract for encouraging blood circulation and strengthen muscles around the breast, tighten and improve breast form keep breast more firm and beautiful. 

Direction to use: 

At night before sleep, clean the breast with warm water using soft towel. Dab sufficient amount of  Mustika Ratu Ayudara Breast Massage Cream on top and under the breast. Rub and massage all around the breast area. The fingers of the right hand to massage the left breast and fingers of left hand to massage right breast. Massage for about 15 minutes to enable the breast to absorb the beneficial elements of this massage cream. To obtain maximum result, it is advisable to use Mustika Ratu Ayudara Breast Mask after this massage. Use twice a week on a regular basis.

Manufactured by:
PT. Mustika Ratu, Indonesia

Price : US$ 9.99 

(incl. worldwide shipping with regular air mail)

Mustika Ratu Ayudara Breast Mask

Mustika Ratu Ayudara Breast Mask (1 tube 100g)

Made of natural ingredients to to maintain firmer, shapelier and more attractive breast.
Contain extract Complex of Dimethylsilanol with Licorice extract and hop extract and Kigelia extract to improve  blood circulation around the breast, keeping breast more firm and beautiful. 

Direction to use: 

After the breast massage, apply Mustika Ratu Ayudara Breast Mask on both of your breasts. Spread mask all over breasts. Wait for about 15 minutes until the mixture dried and tighten,  clean with warm water then rinse with cold water. Use regularly twice a week.

Manufactured by:

PT. Mustika Ratu, Indonesia

Price : US$ 12.99 

(incl. worldwide shipping with regular air mail)